Exploring the East Coast’s emerging VR and augmented reality markets

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Virtual and augmented reality are becoming increasingly prevalent across industries, and the East Coast is no exception. From healthcare to real estate, businesses are finding innovative ways to use these technologies to transform the way they operate. In this article, we’ll explore the emerging virtual reality and augmented reality markets on the East Coast, how they are being used, and their potential for growth.

What is Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality?

Before we dive into the East Coast’s virtual and augmented reality markets, let’s take a quick look at what these technologies are.

Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with through specialized equipment, such as a VR headset. Augmented reality (AR), on the other hand, overlays computer-generated content onto the real world, typically through the camera of a smartphone or tablet.

The Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry has been an early adopter of virtual and augmented reality technologies. Here are a few examples of how they are being used:

  • Medical training: Medical professionals can use VR to simulate surgical procedures and other medical situations, allowing them to gain experience without putting patients at risk.
  • Therapy: VR can be used to treat patients with mental health issues, such as anxiety and phobias. For example, a patient with a fear of flying can use VR to simulate a flight and gradually overcome their fear.
  • Patient education: AR can be used to provide patients with a better understanding of their conditions. For example, an AR app can show a patient a 3D model of their heart and explain how it functions.

The Real Estate Industry

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The real estate industry is another industry that has embraced virtual and augmented reality. Here’s how:

  • Virtual property tours: Instead of physically visiting properties, potential buyers can use VR to take a virtual tour of the property from the comfort of their own home.
  • Design visualization: AR can be used to overlay furniture and other decor onto a room, giving potential buyers a better idea of what the space could look like.

The Education Industry

Virtual and augmented reality technologies are also being used in education. Here are a few examples:

  • Field trips: With VR, students can take virtual field trips to places they might not be able to visit in person.
  • Science experiments: VR can be used to simulate science experiments, allowing students to conduct experiments that might not be possible in a traditional classroom setting.
  • Language learning: AR can be used to overlay translations onto objects, making it easier for students to learn a new language.

The Potential for Growth

As we’ve seen, virtual and augmented reality technologies have already made an impact across industries on the East Coast. But what does the future hold? Here are a few potential areas for growth:

  • Social media: AR filters have already become popular on social media platforms like Snapchat and Instagram, but we can expect to see more innovative uses of AR in the future.
  • Advertising: AR can be used to create immersive, interactive advertisements that engage customers in new ways.
  • Remote work: With more and more businesses embracing remote work, virtual reality technologies could become an essential tool for collaboration and communication. VR could allow remote workers to feel like they’re in the same room as their colleagues, making it easier to work together on projects. Another potential area for growth is in the gaming industry. VR has already made an impact in gaming, but as the technology continues to improve, we can expect to see even more immersive gaming experiences that blur the line between reality and the virtual world.


Virtual and augmented reality technologies have already made a significant impact across industries on the East Coast, and their potential for growth is vast. As businesses continue to find new and innovative ways to use these technologies, we can expect to see even more transformation in the way we work, learn, and interact with the world around us. So, whether you’re in healthcare, real estate, education, or any other industry, it’s worth exploring the emerging virtual reality and augmented reality markets to see how they could benefit your business.